Moody, Masterful Flamenco
In virtuoso flamenco solo and duo passages, the dancers, Edwin Aparicio and Omayra Amaya, are also the co-directors. They are amazing technicians — their boot-heeled feet can set a rhythm, command attention, and create little earthquakes. They are also supremely graceful — their strong, decisive arms and blade-sharp hand movements defining and ruffling space with eerie authority. And they have wonderful presence, like high-intensity filaments spanning a spectrum from woeful glow to ecstatic blaze. Their pacing quite magically quickens and tapers moments into phrases that erupt, console, chasten, pine, and delight.
Alexander C. Kafka, DCTheatreScene, December 21, 2020
Flamenco Extranjero the show was a triumph because we saw dance allow people to triumph above all. There was a vivacity created, a roar of the present, perhaps the kind that can only come from – and in the end overcome – the pain of the past.
Aparicio was one of Dance Magazine’s “25 Dancers to Watch” in 2009. “You have” should be inserted after “dancers,” to put it mildly. To refer to his tranquil fervor is to use an oxymoron, but there is a tension embedded in the flamenco movements that he performs through with striking evenness and precision.
Madeline Duff, DC Metro Theater Arts, November 5, 2017
This Flamenco narrative—told with traditional sound and movement, yet wildly unconventional—is so powerful, and so brilliantly staged and performed, that it is bound to be resurrected soon.
Aparacio then concludes with a show-stopping solo performance that is both breath-taking and mind-boggling. The night I was there, the audience, spellbound, roared with applause.
Salvador is an electrifying moment in the theatre.
Ravelle Brickman, DC Metro Theater Arts, November 9, 2016
It is astonishing to witness the improvement and maturity of Aparicio's productions over the years [...].
Edwin is our gypsy, the mongrel mixture of the Americas, Africa and Spain that is our multi-cultural, metro-diverse expression. He represents what our community and region has become and his desire and passion for flamenco is a noble journey.
[...] Edwin Aparicio provides a first class performance that mixes a great many genres into one potpourri of extravagant, luxurious, rich delight. The only thing missing right now from his repertoire is more performances to exhibit these special gifts and delight a larger audience with his hypnotic, invigorating dance exhibitions.
Jose Sueiro, Metrodiversity.com, November 11, 2016
“Uno Más Uno,” or “One Plus One,” a world premiere featuring the Flamenco Aparicio Dance Company, opened GALA Hispanic Theatre’s Fuego Flamenco IX festival Friday with the troupe’s signature high polish and a message of harmony. Local flamenco hero Edwin Aparicio, a rock-solid collaborator in the festival since its launch, and co-director Aleksey Kulikov say they drew on their personal lives to craft the work, which brought the diverse talents of eight superb, seasoned performers into balance and made a compelling whole.
Aparicio's layered, solo tour de force 'Complementos' incited the cheering, capacity crowd to its feet. So did the finale, 'E pluribus unum' [...]
Paula Durbin, The Washington Post, November 10, 2013
What was foremost in the flamenco of Aparicio, this fiesta's host - his virtuosity or the contagious relish with which he danced at his own party?
George Jackson, DanceViewTimes, December 5, 2010
Absolutely Gorgeous.
It was one of the best performances I have seen in DC
Aparicio is a stellar artist
The artists transmitted messages and ideas directly from body to body, dancers to musicians, and performers to audience. It was a moment that defies explanation. It must be felt and lived.
Kate Mattingly, Dancers in Dialogue, December 5, 2010
With the subtle flick of a wrist and the seismic stomp of his foot, Aparicio performed a dance so apasionado that even a king would take notice. Indeed, King Felipe VI of Spain granted Aparicio the Cross of the Order of Civil Merit. Aparicio’s performance built in intensity until the final hand clap was greeted with a standing ovation and spontaneous howls of delight.
Nicole Hertvik, DC Metro Theater Arts, June 7, 2017